Dunsin Oyekan’s new album, The Birth of Revival, is a sound divinely imparted to herald a revival in the hearts of people across nations. Today’s letter focuses on the album cover art, which offers a message—a visual interpretation of the themes in these sounds of separation and consecration.
Design Goal: To create art that reflects the relational and multi-directional flow of revival
Conceptual Elements: Heaven, Heart, and Earth
Overview: The visual centre of the cover art is a heart, which represents the seat of revival. We depict other elements in simple shapes and vibrant colours—their minimalist details create contrast for the sake of clarity.

In Acts 2, we see how God birthed the revival promised by Jesus in Luke 24. That first revival started with a sound from heaven filling the Upper Room, where the disciples gathered. For the cover of The Birth of Revival, we took an abstract approach to depict how heaven relates with the earth, using two components: A Shofar and the Sun.
The Shofar, blown from ‘on high’, represents the sound of Heaven going forth through this album to birth transformation, while the Sun depicts Jesus, the Son, who nestles us in His brightness and glory.
Heaven meets Heart at the sound of the Shofar.

Just as a healthy heart of flesh keeps a body alive, one needs a healthy spiritual heart to worship in Spirit and Truth. Thus, revival starts in the believer’s heart before flowing outwards. In Acts, after the Spirit filled the disciples, they went out into the streets (the world).
The album art shows the word/sound from on high entering into our hearts. It depicts the transformation foretold in Ezekiel 36:26, which then leads to the outflow of a river of living water. Like Christ promised in John 7:38, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
When Heaven transforms your Heart, life flows into Earth.

The third element, Earth, is symbolised through a transformed landscape of lush hills and fertile ground. In one of Ezekiel’s visions, he saw the spiritual outcome that follows the promise of a river flowing within us. “And wherever the river goes, every living creature that swarms will live (Ezekiel 47:9).” Brothers and sisters, we are those living in the fulfilment of this vision.
To revive is to bring life back. Our spiritual heart is fertile ground that bears fruit by flowing into the earth and transforming it. We are those who will, through godliness, restore life to earth. Our hearts control our actions, habits and character. Therefore, when obedience to God drives our actions and characters, we revive the earth and restore life.
It is time!
At the birth of revival, “The earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14)” and the “kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever (Revelation 11:15).”
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The wonders of His creation. None can understand His mystery, still we flow in the Spirit with this album
Wow, this is inspirational and is wisdom of God. Truly, our heart is a great channel needed by God for revival to take place earth. This image replicate the flow. God bless you sir
I must say that this song is timely..This is what we need and pray for in this generation at the moment..I pray that indeed there will be a birth of revival upon us as the body of Christ.. Well-done minister Dunsin,may you continually be fresh in the grace of the Almighty God..
Am much bless by the writing sir more Grace my mentor in Christian music,I love it and am inspired sir
Wow! This is actually God’s voice through his servant and it’s accurate, precise and confirm. Looking forward to more of God’s revelation and inspiration from his anointed.
This is really awesome. The first time I listened to breath , I was so broken then and it was difficult to forgive but, I Kept on listening to it repeatedly and I fell in love with all his songs . Now , Revival is here, it is so loaded . Have you tried listening to it in the middle of the night?Wao. do things differently now. , listening to the songs makes me hunger for God more, we are taking over territories. My prayer life has improved . I’m happy that revival happened in our time/ generation because , I was already scared of the way the world is going but , to God be the glory . Some of us have a strong Christain background but, fell on the way side but, thank God for revival has come and we go nowhere. God is still God and will always be God..We must do kingdom work . We are not of this world . May God continue to give you more revelation and may you never faint doing his work Sir👏🏽
Revival is here!!! No time to check time. This moves with and by The Speed of The Holy Ghost!!!
Minister Dunsin, you’re indeed a voice in this generation. Using all platforms beyond the music at Your disposal to communicate GOD’s mind. I’m yet to get over your last two Albums; The Gospel of the Kingdom and The Glory Experience and now The Birth of Revival igniting the upcoming Revival in our hearts. We’ll align to the current move of GOD and we’ll stand in gap for our Generation.
Thank you Sir, May you never go down. I’m always blessed with your ministrations and have never and will never be familiar with it. GOD BLESS YOU CONTINUALLY SIR! I LOVE YOU!
Wow! This is a deep revelation and interpretation of the art. God richly bless you for bringing our heart to a place of worship and to dine with our maker!
Anytime I listen to your songs, I tell myself that it’s a revelation not just songs….Glory be to God for using you to impacts us and the world. God richly bless you Minister Dunsin
Glory to yahweh for this timely birthing
Let the revival begin
SIr, this is a rear description of this mystery, I celebrate the grace of God upon your life. Thank you for all the unbroken sound.
The knowledge of God shall fill the earth as the water cover the sea.
God be praised for the timely delivery of this album to the world. It addresses the exact multiple needs of the nations, generations, the church and the people. Indeed, it was birthed by God and from HIS throne.
May the purpose for which this song was released be met on all counts and God be glorified in Jesus name🙏🏽.
More Grace Min. ‘Dunsin, God bless you and yours.🙏🏽
This album cover is truly inspiring. At first glance the verses that jumped to my mind was the heart of the Kings are in the hands of the lord and like rivers of water he directs them to wherever he wills. As kings, I pray that even as we listen to this album, the river of revival shall move our heart to establish Gods Kingdom and will in this earth. Amen.
God bless you Minster Dunsin for yielding to the spirit may God multiply this great anointing
Powerful Revelation 🔥
As for me there are some songs are remind one of your song “I will be here” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 even though it’s not easy . On this album you present “Stay” I am continuing to stay on GOD’S ALTAR to wait on HIM I just have JESUS no one else 🙏
You also sang about asking GOD but GOD answers you need more LOVE , lots of time can’t imagine if I will ever survive without GOD’S LOVE towards me And My LOVE towards HIM . I only have JESUS nobody else😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Life can’t get tuff always but JESUS IS MY EVERYTHING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Please make a time to come to OHIO one day . I believe one you Dunsin Oyekan, More Grace 🙏
Habakkuk 2:14
Amplified Bible
“But [the time is coming when] the earth shall be filled
With the knowledge of the glory of the Lord,
As the waters cover the sea.
High level spiritual illumination!
May the Spirit lead me.
Amen Hallelujah “Thank you. God has truly blessed us”
Dear Lord, all we have comes from your gracious love for us, working to grow and develop us. Help us remember to give you the credit and glory for the successes and achievement we experience in life,, and use them to further your work. In Jesus’ name. Amen. God bless you Dunsin and the entire team
May the Lord continue to keep you sir as you’re serving Him.
Amen. Thanks papa. More of Christ in you and more of you in him in Jesus name.