Recently, in the place of prayer, God emphasised to me that He is a prayer-answering God, not a prayer-storing God. As the scripture says in Isaiah 45:19, God has not asked us to seek Him in vain. In fact, Jesus promises that the Father will bring justice for those who cry out to Him day and night. However, He goes on to say, “But when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth? (Luke 17:7-8).” Dear friend, when God shows up, will He find you waiting, praying in faith? In the time of Ezekiel, God said, “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one (Ezekiel 22:30).”
In this new covenant dispensation, we must stand in the gap and cry out in faith until we see His Kingdom come and His will done in our lives and nation. Standing is a posture we’re all familiar with. Therefore, I pray that His understanding will unfold as you read further on preparing to stand, where to stand, and what to do when you stand.
Prepare to Stand
If you’ve ever watched endurance athletes train, you’ll see them do many things (besides their main sport) to strengthen their muscles and improve their ability to withstand extreme conditions. So, while an untrained or poorly trained person may not be able to run more than a kilometre, a trained marathoner can run for 42km. Similarly, a Christian who desires to stand in the gap must prepare. We train on our knees, so we must learn to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Your prayer closet is where you birth strength. That’s where God reveals the strategies and secrets of things to come so that you may withstand the demands of standing. It is also where God removes the encumbrances that hinder you from standing or sustaining your stand. Therefore, cultivate a sustained prayer life, seeking His face and binding hindrances. Only after developing strength in training can you rise, stand, and declare the mind of God.

Where to Stand
In Ezekiel 22:30, God sought someone who would make a wall and stand in the gap before Him on behalf of the nation. So, while the location of our stand is clear—“in the gap”— we must understand what/where the gap is. Ancient cities had walls that served as their primary protection against invasion. Whenever there was a gap in the wall, it meant the nation/city was exposed and could be invaded by enemies. Thus, gaps had to be manned and repaired quickly. God used this physical concept, which was clearly understood by the people, to explain what was required of them spiritually.
He sought righteous people who would build spiritual walls to protect their nation and stand in the gaps unrighteousness opened for the enemy. Spiritual walls are built in the place of prayer, and spiritual gaps are filled and repaired by fervent, alert believers.
The Bible shows us examples of people who stood in the gap and prevented the destruction of lives and nations. In Exodus 32, Moses stood in the gap for the children of Israel after they turned to idol worship. In 2 Samuel 24, David stood before the Lord and stemmed a wave of destruction, and in Acts 12, the church prayed and staved off Peter’s execution.
Brethren, we are not merely called to point out the gaps in our nations’ walls—even unbelievers do that. Our job is to use our prayers to build a wall of protection and stand in the gaps caused by unrighteousness. In our generation, our job is to make sure that Ezekiel 22:30 is not the reality!

When You Stand
Now that you understand how to prepare and where to stand, let’s talk about what to know when you stand. Friend, God desires selfless people who will be concerned about every vice of the enemy in this generation. He desires people whose prayers will be bigger than their personal desires. People whose prayers will stave off the destruction of communities and nations. In the place of prayer, you will receive the Mind of God; therefore, what bothers Him will bother you.
When you stand, stand in the gap for our generation and push through those genuine burdens for nations and your sphere of influence. Cry out unto Him for revival. Plead the blood of Jesus for mercy upon this generation—for every nation, tribe and tongue. Repent on behalf of our nation(s) as Daniel did, that mercy may prevail over judgment. If Abraham could contend with God for the salvation of Sodom and Gomorrah under the old covenant, then we can contend even harder for nations under the new covenant that gives us authority in the name of Jesus.
When you stand, use the authority given to you in Matthew 28 to uproot and destroy every infrastructure of the enemy over this generation and over our nations. Boldly cast down powers and principalities erected over the minds of all people—politicians, teenagers, children, and even religious leaders. Stand in the gap and pull down unrighteousness with the power of the Holy Ghost.
And, finally, when you stand, withstand! Just as endurance athletes perpetually train to stay fit and capable, you must continue training in prayer. Time cannot constrain God; He can birth a nation in a day, so do not be weary. As Paul admonishes, “Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-18). Stay empowered by faith, truth, righteousness, the Spirit, and the Gospel.
Father, we thank You for Your faithful mercies upon our generation. We thank You for the nations and the blood of Jesus that speaks for us, even as we lay aside our personal desires and cry out to You for our generation. We repent on behalf of our generation, so let Your mercy prevail over judgment. Lord, in the name of Jesus, we pull down every stronghold and cast down imaginations, arguments, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We declare that You are the Only Living God. We will have no other gods before You, and we pull down every idol the enemy has set in place in this generation. Amen.
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If there is a time for us to rise, stand, and declare the mind of God for our nation, it’s now. This message comes at the moment it’s most needed.
God bless you, Dunsin Oyekan
Amennnnnnn and Amen to this PRAYER
Believers God’s Servant Dunsin has clearly point out how to Prepare, Where to Stand and When to Stand in the GAP for our NATION, and all still points to PRAYER,
Isa 66:6-8, emphasis here is can the Nigeria of our dream be born? Can a Nation with the righteous ruling be born in a day?
YES! As soon as Zion travail….it is Possible
The call is for us to lay aside our personal desires, our political interest and seek God in our place of PRAYER until we see the manifestation of the Birth of Revival,
Just as corruption had eaten deep into the fabric of the nation,
Much more would Revival, Righteousness and the Kingdom of God eat deep into every sphere of this Nation as was Prophesied by PA ELTON,
If you can’t pray and wait on God , learn it from this moment,
Keep Friends with people that can hear what God is saying,
Stop dispising Spiritual Virtues, because they always turn out to be our live savers,
Stop belittling Prayer, because it set the right atmosphere for Divine Intervention,
It is an album of deliverance of every form
Wow!! God bless you for this sir. I believe God has been sending you to me, directly. Your words are exactly about what I’m going through…
I’ll stand in the gap🙇🏾♀️🙇🏾♀️🙏🏾.
More grace sir 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾.
This is an inexhaustible piece. Thank you for sharing this Sir. It came in handy for me.
Thank you so much i have been thoroughly helped
Just like John Knox!
Glory to God, may we have the strength to always stand in the gap.
May God continue to strengthen and uphold minister Dunsin Oyekan and all the patterns,the volunteers, and the LGA teams.
May the Lord have mercy upon me.🙏
I pray that may be found to be used of Him for the sake of my Generation and that my prayer Life will be bigger and greater than all my desires🙏🙏
I trust it was the Holy Spirit that brought me to read this,i have been burdened by the nations woes but i recently relented when it seems as if nothing. The first line was everything i need and more. Thank you for this.
I’m from Brazil . I want to be part of this call- Stand in the Gap
I’m from Brazil . Christian , love God.
Thank you so much sir! I now have a better understanding of what Standing in the gap means; it doesn’t simply mean to pray, it means stand in the place of prayer, interceding on behalf of another to cover the loopholes and weaknesses that the enemy could exploit.
The Holy Spirit stands in the gap for us and intercedes on our behalf to the father
We must stand in the gap for our nation.
And the LORD replied, “If I find fifty righteous people in Sodom, I will spare the entire city for their sake.”
This is what standing in the gap means; that for our sake, and because of his mercy, our nation will not be destroyed.
We are not praying just for our own needs, we move beyond that and are consumed by what is on the heart of the father
“In the place of prayer, you will receive the Mind of God; therefore, what bothers Him will bother you.”
Btw, I have not been able to decide on my favourite in “The Birth of Revival” album. Such powerful songs! Thank you for standing in the gap!🙏
– Mojirollar
Thank you for sharing this. It’s a word in season. I love how you brought to light the Power at work in the New Covenant if men could stand in the gap then, howbeit now, with the authority given us by our Lord and Saviour Jesus and the enablement of our Comforter – The Holy Spirit!
We stand!
I’m super grateful I read this. Selflessness leads me to stand in the gap.
Jesus, help me to be selfless.
After reading this post, I feel a deeper calling from the Lord. Thank you for sharing your depth of understanding. Recently, the Lord has been waking me up at midnight to stand in the gap, although I haven’t been as consistent as I’d like to be. However, I can feel the swiftness in my spirit when I wake up, and I am committed to being among those who stand in the gap. Thank you for your words, and may God bless you.
Thank you and God bless you.
During your recent upper room, I think on the 17th of February 2023. You made mentioned visiting old wells(revival grounds) around the UK/World. I’m based in Leeds and I have read Leeds once experienced a breakout of revival.
I will like to make myself available to serve should you ever visit Leeds.
Thank you and God bless you!
Thanks for the reminder that as Christians we should not only focus on our personal gains/desires. We must always stand in the gap for our nation in prayers no matter the circumstance or situation, God will rebuild our nation one day. I believe in the restoration power of Christ
I will stand Lord🙇🏽♀️🙇🏽♀️
Good day sir, greater grace in Jesus name. Do one have to be in a location to stand in gap for it. I mean can one be in UK and stand in gap for Nigeria in prayer. Because there’s a believe that there are watchmen for particular territories
Yes, you can be in the UK and stand in the gap for Nigeria. During exile, the children of Israel often did this.
Lord Jesus, we stand in gap for Nigeria. We must not give birth to the wind. Amen!
Amen. I receive the grace to be a soldier that stands. My strenght will not fail
God bless you sir,for reminding of us of our stand,for reminding us not to be distracted but rather focus on what we need to do. God bless you always sir.
More grace to you, sir. We receive the strength and the ability to stand in the gap for the Nigeria.
We’ll continue to Stand in the Gap for our generation even at this cruel time, the Lord will help us all amen.
Thank you sir.
We ask for strength to stand in the gap.
It’s very important to stand in the Gap. In this place you receive feedback from yeshua. At the times we’re in now, we cannot afford not to stand.
More grace sir. I receive the grace to stand in the gap for my generation.
More Grace sir. Thank you for constantly taking the lead in these revivals
Thank you so much Sir. We will stand in the gap 🙇🏾
Amen in Jesus name. Thank you King of Glory. It is settled.
This generation is not doomed !
Thanks papa Dunsin Oyekan @ The Eagle. Your fountain of peace shall continue to flow into nations and the light of Christ shall flood the whole world. God bless you.
I love you with the love of Christ.