We are living in a time when people are obsessed with finding themselves. For Christians, it can be tempting to dismiss the desire to find oneself as merely a fad. However, this longing is rooted in something we see time and again in the Bible—a desire for one’s God-given identity. Unfortunately, many seek in self, media, and idolatry, that which can only be discovered in God’s Upper Room.
More than a historical or biblical site, the Upper Room is a symbol of a transformative spiritual encounter. It is a sacred space where individuals meet with God and are transformed through intimacy. If you want to meet your true self, you must experience the reality of the Upper Room.
Today, I want to reintroduce the Upper Room encounter to you, encouraging you to see beyond the Bible “story” to the reality at work.
In the Old Testament, we see a shadow of what it means to encounter God and have one’s identity revealed when Saul went out seeking lost donkeys in 1 Samuel 9. After meeting Samuel, the man of God, Saul’s path was realigned towards kingship, and he began to prophesy and step into his destiny. Yet, we don’t see the finished form of an encounter till the New Testament. In Acts 2, we see Peter, who once denied Jesus, stand boldly before thousands to proclaim Jesus as the Messiah. This came after Peter spent an extended period in total surrender, praying and tarrying in the Upper Room with other apostles. In the Upper Room, God rebirthed the disciples into a new creation. Indeed, as we surrender ourselves in this space, we undergo metamorphosis and our motives are not just realigned, but our identities are transformed into God’s grand plan.

The Birth of a Move
First comes your identity in God, and then comes exploits. Unfortunately, many in our world are hungry for fame, power, and exploits at any cost. Yet, daily, the rise and fall of men shows us the danger of putting your identity in anything else. Have you ever wondered why the apostles remained in the Upper Room for days before Pentecost? Well, the answer lies not in the amount of time but in the posture. They had committed themselves to staying as long as it would take for the fulfilment of Christ’s promise; therefore, they remained, praying and fellowshipping in one accord. The divine outpouring seen at Pentecost was not merely an external event but an inner working of the Spirit. If we seek the external first, we’ll miss the true move of God.
The Upper Room is a place of waiting, a period of tarrying before stepping into exploits. God instructs us to wait in the Upper Room, underlining the significance of patience and preparation in spiritual growth. What God wants to birth within us begins here, growing from a mustard seed into an unstoppable movement. That’s why the Upper Room is not a place where we go to seek miracles; rather, it’s a sanctuary of spiritual intimacy where God shapes us into the miracle our generation needs. In His divine Presence, God reveals the purpose and vision coded within our spirit; He unearths the extraordinary within the ordinary.

The Power of the One
Another transformative element of the Upper Room is unity. In Acts, we see the once scattered and argumentative disciples become united in the Spirit. This is because unity is vital to what God wants to accomplish through us. Even outside God, we see what happens when people come together united in purpose. In Genesis 11, as the people built the Tower of Babel against God’s instruction, God said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” They came together outside God. So, imagine what happens when people come together inside God.
We saw the results at Pentecost—an overflow of God’s power and might. Yet, the posture the disciples adopted was not a one-time event but an ongoing process. In Acts 4:31, the Bible says, “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word of God boldly.” Thus, we see that they stayed united with God and one another. We see the contrast in King Saul, whose kingship was cut short because he stopped seeking God and instead focused on people, power, and politics.
Dear Friend, you will only find and secure your true identity in God. What God starts in the Upper Room, He continues through the same model of waiting on Him and praying that we may receive His power. It is His pattern for the Upper Room encounter to precede the Outpouring.
Do you want to find yourself?
– Commit to consistently fellowshipping and tarrying before the Lord. This is the key to experiencing intimacy and transformation that makes a lasting, divine impact on our world.
– Learn to return to God in the Upper Room daily. There, He will build your life on the eternal Word, not on fleeting trends.

Stream To Know You.
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Striving to know the only true God(John 17:2) more in my daily walk with Him inorder to FIND ME is my sincerest prayer 🙏.
Thank you Min. Dunsin Oyekan. God bless you sir🙏.
Thank you Sir 🙏🏾.. I’m learning alot from you everyday👏🏾
This came at a right time for me,
I’ve been so distant lately and I’ve been seeking my place with God. This piece touched me greatly to think I am playing the song benediction while reading I pray God helps me find my rightful place with him I feel so lost. Thank you so much for this, you’ve always been a blessing to me your music helps me get through tough feelings sometimes❤️
Thank you so much for sharing this, Min Dunsin Oyekan.
I needed to read this.
I have been longing to find myself, I knew I could only find Me in GOD, but, I was looking for a more easy way than staying.
Thank you for adding scriptural references too.
I need to go to GOD. I will wait, I will tarry, I will stay till I know, and become who He truly wants me to be.
Thanks a lot sir
Anticipating the next post sir
The upper has changed my understanding and knowing God more
Hi Sir,
I’m messaging to know if upper room Canada is accepting volunteers. I am willing and will be honored to join the worship team. I will appreciate if the process to being part of this is shared.
Thank you.
Awesome 👏👏👏 thank you for this great revelation sir.
The word for me is Unity !
God continue to increase you sir
Daily has I live, often has I breathe let my whole life be an expression of what you can do to my generation through me, Oh Lord.
Sir, thanks for allowing God to use, more auction to function in Jesus mighty name 🙏.
Sir thank you for giving yourself to God to use you. Out of you many souls got led to Christ.
You’re a proof that one man, just one man is all God needs and many will come to Christ. Now I’ll gladly give myself to Christ for a generation to come to him just as you did.
Thank you once again.
Hmmm. Thank you Jesus . Lord help me to learn to return to you in the Upper Room daily. Amen.
Thanks papa for these words of exhortation. The source of your river of knowledge shall not run dry. You shall continue to be as a fountain of living waters.
More of you in Christ and more of Christ in you in Jesus name. Amen.
Upper room today has done wanders to me, God has healed me from recurrent knee pain now I am pain free now!!!!
Glory to God.
Thank you lord
I am so blessed
Now I get this, the upper room first before the outpouring
Can’t wait for upper room london this September
Glory to God…!!
Thank you minister