A note from Dunsin Oyekan
Dear Friend,
You’re on my heart, so I want to ask: How is your intimacy with God in this season? Intimacy is the root and fulfilment of our walk with God. It starts from Holy—revering God as set apart; to Hallelujah—everything that Jesus did by His death, burial, resurrection, accession, and enthronement; then Amen—submitting totally to His will.
When God started revealing sounds for The Glory Experience album, it was clear that we are in a prophetic season of Habakkuk 2:14.
“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.”

In the coming weeks, I will write to you, stirring you up for the days ahead. Today, I want to share the importance of this season and the newly released sounds. They are about “us”, the body. My last album, The Gospel of the Kingdom, focused on the individual worshipper. Released during global restrictions, God used it to lead people into intimacy with Him. Hence lyrics like the fragrance of my worship; I have more than a song; Oh, my spirit, worship your Maker etc.
Now, The Glory Experience is about US, because God seeks to bring the body of Christ into the unity of faith so that we may stand and fight the enemy. The world is open again, and satan is attacking more brutally. With wars, unrest, and other global issues, the body must rise!
Ongoing crisis cannot be combatted by individual worshippers alone—the ecclesia must war in the unity of faith. As we discern the times, we must rise to see His will done on earth as it is in heaven. It is only in the unity of faith that two shall chase ten thousand.
My dear brothers and sisters, these are days in which you must be closer to the Word. Don’t just read your Bible; meditate on it. Eat the Word, and gather with the saints in community often. Join me in raising these sounds. Let your spirits be stirred. Arise, and let us drown out the enemy’s noise with the songs of Zion! Arise, walk in the path the Spirit reveals to you through the Word. Arise and pray for the nations.
Listen to The Glory Experience
Thank you so much dear Man of God.You are indeed a man that works with God and your kind of ministry is a very special and unique one to the body of Christ;Thank you for choosing Jesus,Thank you for staying at your post. I love you dearly!
Glory to Jesus!
We will not be ignorant of a season like this.
“God seeks to bring the body of Christ into the unity of faith.”
Words so simple to understand and so striking in the heart.
I love you Sir…
I love you so much Sir…
You will know that I do love you…
More Grace…
This Is soul liberating.
My secret place stays aflame in this times.
I dwell!, I stay Yielded!
Even if I fall, I shall rise again this time more Yielded.
I will not miss my Tongue of fire experience.
God bless you Mighty Man Am honoured that God through you has blessed my Soul and heal me in my down moments in a place of loneliness and depression May the God of heaven continue to keep you for this generation.
Asher 🔥🔥🔥
Wow. Glory to God.
Dear Minister Dunsin,
Thank you for yielding to the Father’s call and for the many sacrifices you are making for His Kingdom.
As you commit yourself to His Kingdom, Abba will honor his word in you by ensuring “everything you require to live life” is added unto you sweatlessly.
Yours faithfully,
God bless you richly sir 🤲🤲
I was becoming very cold in my closet but after this word, I’m coming back hotter paying attention and meditating the word and also praying continuously ! Thank you so much and God bless you sir! I’ve subscribed ❤️🔥
In this season, we can’t afford to loose focus! We must have intimacy with the Father!
Yes, brother, the ecclesia must war in the unity of faith. All hands must be on deck in this season. Let them who have their strength refreshed be a support to the weakened hands- that we may all stand together in the power, wisdom and love of our Father.
Surely, I join you in this. Let’s arise and soar.
Your song have been a blessing to me sir.
More grace be multiplied to you.
God has being speaking to me from the book of Exodus.
The story of Moses is a unique one. God had to pull him out of the wilderness because of His love for the Israelite ( Covenant keeping God).
What struck me the most was His reason… ‘that they may worship me’.
God is majestic and the only way He feels our love for Him is through our worship and complete obedience.
Thanks for yielding to the call. You are blessed sir.
Thank you for the charge sir. Greater Grace. Amen!
Thank you Sir for these words! We will drown the voices of the enemy in these revelatory songs!🔥
Till his return we’ll occupy by the Help of the Holy Spirit… Jesus is LORD
I am so blessed to be here
Please what kind of prayer (s) exactly do I need to pray for nations ? Thanks
Dearly Beloved Minister ‘Dùńsìn, grace, mercy, and peace of God be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God our Father, and Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.
Jude 24-25
24 Now to Him Who is able to keep you without stumbling or slipping or falling, and to present [you] unblemished (blameless and faultless) before the presence of His glory in triumphant joy and exultation [with unspeakable, ecstatic delight] –
25 To the one only God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory (splendor), majesty, might and dominion, and power and authority, before all time and now and forever (unto all the ages of eternity). Amen (so be it). (AMP)