Dear Friend,
Do your prayers often consist of only requests for your needs and, perhaps, thanksgiving? Jesus knew we would be prone to this, so He admonished us not to worry about life, food, clothing, or other needs (Matthew 6:25) and instead seek the Kingdom of God. However, the problem with coming into prayer hoping for just the hand of the Lord is that we miss the miracle of a changed life.
We see this in Jacob’s life. In Genesis 27, Jacob was desperate for God’s Hand, so he tried to secure blessing by any means, and he did. However, despite prospering, Jacob’s experiences showed him that he needed more than the prosperity that comes from God’s Hand. He needed an encounter with God Himself. By Genesis 32, Jacob had matured and was desperate for more than material blessing. He wrestled with the Lord’s angel until an encounter led him to say he had seen God’s face (not just His Hand). Similarly, you and I need more than God’s Hand in the form of material blessing. We need to encounter Him and see His Face.
Unfortunately, our generation is so used to contracting out several aspects of our lives that the same attitude easily seeps into our faith lives. Many believers see personal prayer as a means to receive from God’s hand and fervent prayer as the work of pastors or praying mothers. Many don’t even know how to pray in tongues to communicate and receive mysteries from God. Yet, God’s standard remains the same. The biblical admonition for fervent prayer in tongues and in the understanding will always apply to everyone in Christ (Romans 8:26-28 and 1 Corinthians 14:2).

Build Up Yourself
We are at a pivotal moment during which the Lord is earnestly raising individuals who will truly pray. More than ever, there’s a pressing need for each of us to delve deeper into the spiritual discipline of prayer, forgetting the habit of seeing prayer as a means to an end and embracing the Christ way of prayer as a way of life, as a means of fellowship with God. As we pray with a heart of fellowship, we will discern God’s will and design for our lives and, crucially, for the upliftment of a generation.
“This is the generation (description) of those who diligently seek Him and require Him as their greatest need, Who seek Your face, even [as did] Jacob. Selah.”
– Psalms 24:6
Friend, it is time to embrace the supernatural life that transcends basic needs and operates in dominion, attuned to the heart of the Father. This is not to say that your needs don’t matter. They do. In fact, when you capture His Face, you will receive the fullness of His life, and your entire life will change. As Jesus said in Matthew 6, God knows your needs already. He wants to meet them and do even more. Therefore, when a problem leads you to God, know that He wants to do more than solve it; He wants to change you.
“Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.”
– Jeremiah 33:3
Notice that God promises to answer when you call; however, He doesn’t stop there. He promises to show you great and mighty things. Today, if you can make a habit of tarrying with Him, of waiting for more than an answer, God will change your life. You will receive His instructions and empowerment in a way that allows you to become a blessing to others and to generations to come.
– As I navigate this season’s call to prayer, Lord, help me to be mindful of the true purpose that I may live in a realm above earthly desire.
– Father, help me to come into deeper fellowship with You so that my life may experience supernatural change marked by Your power and guidance.

Watch Emperor of the Universe.
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Amen 🙌🙌🙏🔥
Amen! Thank you for your post! I have been checking your blog to see when you would post next, so I was really excited to see this write-up! I do have a follow-up question, when we pray to see and encounter God, even when we really need something like a job, relationship, money, etc. and God knows we need/want it, isn’t it pretentious to not ask for it? Honestly, I too do not want to ask for these things, I just want to rest with God, but yeah. I will try to do better with my prayer life and see you on the 22nd!!!!! Take care, bye.
Hello Sukky, there is nothing wrong with asking God for our needs. However, that should not be the only time we come to Him. As Jesus admonished the disciples in Matthew 6, God knows we have those needs and He cares for us, so He will meet them. However, we are called to seek the Kingdom first and above all.
Hmmm. Thanks sir
I’m Edified.
Thank You Minister Dunsin.
Of God’s fullness receive grace upon grace sir🙏
Surely we will seek the Lord until He comes and rain righteousness upon us. Until our righteousness goes forth as brightness and our salvation as a lamp that burns🙏
Thank you so much. 🙏🏾
I didn’t know you have a blog where things like this is been shared. Thank you for the post as it meets my immediate spiritual need. I have a question sir, what do I do when the zeal I started the year with starts to fade, I don’t know how to best relate it. I want to pray and deepen my relationship with God but for the past few weeks I have had it so difficult even as the holy spirit encourages me to pray, I would rather do something else and I’m really bothered because I noticed I’m gradually going back to my old self. I would really love a response. Thank you.
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you make God your priority. If you are in love with someone, you will find the time to call the person, to send a message to the person and to be with the person. Make God your priority, the first Voice you want to hear in the morning, the person you want to consult in every matter, when you do this, you wouldn’t have any excuse to not want to be with Him.
You also need to schedule time with Him like a date or appointment. Time that won’t be rescheduled for anything. That’s your time together. If you do this consistently, you will even be carving out more time to be with Him.
Thank you for this posts. Am edified. My takeaway was this part “Therefore, when a problem leads you to God, know that He wants to do more than solve it; He wants to change you.”. God bless you sir
Amen 🙏
This is a wake up call for me.😭
Father, help me yield to the grace that is available to pray and tally seeking your face this season🛐🙇🏾
Thank you for this word! May the Lord continue to increase you in wisdom and understanding. Keeping you in glory from glory!!!
Minister Dunsin Oyekan
Thank you so so much for this sir.
I was greatly blessed.
I’m going to send it to my friends and everybody basically.
The lord bless you in Jesus name,Amen.
This was my message 🙇♀️
God bless you MOG🙇♀️
Thank you so much Minister Dunsin Oyekan. May the Lord be With you at all times.
Thank you sir for this word it really says a lot, however, to be very honest yeah to talk to God for “fellowship” sake is “hard” like people like me have tried times and times again I mean still trying though rise and fall and all…what can make a man love God so much? Because to be honest eh I want a relationship with him but how? Like how do I pray and hear in my prayers? Alot though
…when a problem leads me to God, know that He wants to do more than solve it; HE WANTS TO CHANGE ME. Hmmm, this is so true. Thank you Jesus.
Thanks papa for the words of exhortation. God be with you, keep and preserve you in all of his wills for your life. Thanks.
First time coming here. And I’ll keep coming! Good stuff
Amen. God bless you Minister. You have no idea how your music is helping me build my relationship with God. Grateful for this too. God bles you Sir.
Thank you sir for the sharing may God continue to preserve you.
I will like to share a testimony that is been long over it happened at the outpouring at onikan during your ministration when you said God just healed someone from foot pain, you asked those who were heald to come out but I was so far away I could not come out. I knew I was the one because I had an accident in August last year as a result I could not wear shoes. After that day the pain stopped. May the anointing on your head not run dry MOG
Thank you for this post, Sir.
GOD bless and enrich you.
I have a question.
I long to know GOD. I guess I was always moved by feelings and all before, this made me think I knew GOD to an extent. Now, I am clueless.
It has gotten to the point where I don’t have words to say when I want to pray. I just stay there, confused and blank. I try to force words, sometimes, I cry.
It’s hard now.
Studying the scriptures to find God isn’t so easy too.
What do I do when I pray and no words come?
Thank you, Sir!
Oh my God!
Help me to pray in alignment